Wednesday 15 April 2015

Jesus The Joy-Giver (Pastor John Kayode Abiodun) 15-04-2015

Central Business District
Abuja - Nigeria
15th April, 2015
* Speaker: Pastor John Kayode Abiodun
* Topic: Jesus The Joy-Giver
* Text: Psalm 16:11 - You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

* Without Jesus, there is no joy.

* The natural habitat of God is where there is joy

Conditions for getting joy (con't)
1. Salvation

2. Holy Spirit's baptism

3. Soul winning

4. Dwelling in The presence of the Lord

* There are blessings that come with the presence of God
→ of the blessings is getting fullness of joy

5. Abiding in His love
→ One of the most noticeable traits of a believer is the manifestation of love for God and for others

* You cannot claim to be a Christian and harbour malice of hatred in your heart against others

* God takes the issue of love seriously

* Love is the summary of the law
→ You may not be able to remember all the Laws, but if You love God and others, You have covered a lot of ground

* If you don't love, you can't forgive

* Love is practical, it is not just theoretical

* If you love somebody, you will seek the highest & best welfare of that person - You will not harm that person deliberately  

* Divine example: John 3:16 → God loved us even when we were unlovable
→ He expects you to do the same

[Additional thoughts by Pastor 'Lola Owotumi]
* When you abide in God's love, you will not miss a blessing

* Challenge: Seek out an unlovable person that you will show love to today

1 Thessalonians 5:25'Brothers, pray for us.'

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