Sunday 5 April 2015

Easter/Praise Sunday (Pastor Victor Amos) 05-04-2015

@ Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN)
Area 1, Garki - Abuja
5th April, 2015

* Speaker: Pastor Victor Amos
* Topic: Easter/Praise Sunday
* Theme: Growing up in Christ
* Sub-Theme: Intentional Growth
* Service Leader: Mr. Igwe Augustine
* Text: John 20:1-23

Pastor Victor Amos

* Many people depend on their intellectual prowess to understand the Bible, but it keeps eluding them

* They do not realize that the understanding of God's Word comes through the power of the Holy Spirit

* If you want to properly understand any book, you need to consult the author of that book
→ Through prayer, you can 'consult' God to give you divine insight into His Word

* You have to depend solidly on the Holy Spirit to help you understand the Bible

* Many people have tried to use their own understanding to interpret the Bible, and in the process, they have misinterpreted many portions it

* To the Romans & the Jews, in Jesus' time, there was no supernatural power behind the resurrection
→ But to us as Christians, we know that it was the power of God that raised Him up from death

* The mystery of the resurrection of Jesus can only be revealed to us through the Holy Spirit

* Easter, is a period of pertinence & reflection and not of aimless celebrations

* There is a lot of doubt about the authenticity of the resurrection of Jesus
→ The carnal mind cannot understand it, because the impossibilities are just too much!

* Only God can do what Jesus experienced
(See: Luke 1:27For with God nothing will be impossible.)

* You need to be able to be personally convinced (about the truth of God's Word) so that you can be able to stand by yourself
→ Study God's word for yourself
→ Have a personal relationship with Jesus

* The earthy ministry of Jesus is replete with many convincing miracles

* Even when you detach yourself from God, He is still thinking about you and reaching out to you

* If you doubt the resurrection of Jesus, then:
→ You cannot defend it
→ You cannot believe in your own resurrection
→ You doubt the essence of your faith as a Christian
→ You constitute a hindrance to the growth of the Gospel of Christ

* The Significance of Jesus' Resurrection:
1. It is a fulfilment of the Scriptural prophesies
→ It shows that His word is true and dependable; you can take Him by His Word

2. The resurrection of Jesus validated all that was said about you, about the Church, about God and Himself

3. Because of His resurrection, you can be certain of your own resurrection
→ Many people today are tormented by the fear of death
→ Jesus' resurrection gives us hope of eternal life

4. The resurrection of Jesus is our message to the dying world
→ without it, the gospel message is not complete

5. His resurrection empowers you to face spiritual battles that abound around you
→ It is the evidence of victory over Satan and all the forces of darkness

* Everything that God gives you is for you to serve Him

* How many times have you lost Jesus? (like Mary in John 20:13)
→ Are you looking for Him?

★ In John 20:19, when Jesus appeared to the disciples, he declared: "peace be with You"
→ This is what Jesus declared and He is still declaring peace concerning you
→ In your turbulent moments, believe Jesus' peace is available for you
→ Your situation may be difficult, but not impossible for God to intervene

* You must avoid doing God's work with your own strength

* The victory of Jesus on the cross was not just for Him, but also for you!

* Do not isolate yourself from the Church of God & from fellowshipping with other believers
→ Isolation opens you up and makes you susceptible to defeat by Satan

* Who are the people sent by God to help you?
→ Do not look down on them

* Jesus is ready to forgive you all your sins if only you will confess and forsake them
(See: 1 John 1:9)

* If you continue living in your sins, it means that you do not appreciate Jesus' sacrifice and you are still nailing him to the cross all over again

* Where is Christ Jesus in your life?
→ Is He on the cross or in your heart?

* He cannot be in the two places at the same time - He is either living and reigning in your heart, or to you, He is still dead on the cross

Do you really think you know how much it cost to see your sins nailed to the cross? There are two things about our Lord Jesus that I do not completely comprehend yet, and I daily seek Him for a better illumination. The questions are, why would Jesus die such a terrible and painful death for my sins and how can anyone who hears this glorious message still reject the saviour? Frankly speaking, these questions still mystify my very soul. The cross of Christ is the heart of the gospel message, "Jesus' life was His message to the whole world and He made it so inspiring." What is the significance of the cross of Christ to you? What would have been the story of your life by now if Christ had not resurrected? All hope of eternity would have been gone and Satan would have rejoiced over our lost souls.

But praise be to the risen Lord who promised life and eternity and He resurrected to give life and eternity. He is a trustworthy King and a Saviour worth having. The Lord has risen, be joyful, the Lord has risen, be hopeful, the Lord has risen, proclaim His Holy name, victory to the dying world - HAPPY EASTER

"I bring you message of HOPE in our RISEN LORD JESUS. Let this be HIS encouragement to you in this glorious Easter period. He says all that which I said about you, I will certainly do. I have crushed the world with its principalities and power with my blood, I have defeated death with its sting on your behalf, I have established you in my authority and victory by my Word, I have risen to grant you a divine and purposeful living and I have risen to beautify your life. "I 'am the Lord, and I have spoken."
Pastor Victor T. Amos

"Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting . . . Your life is your message to the world, make it inspiring."
→ Lorrin L. Lee

☆ Picture Credit: Mr. Gideon Ishaku Bewas

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