Tuesday 7 April 2015

Jesus the Joy Giver (Pastor J. K. Abiodun) 07-04-2015

@ NDIC/DMO Chapel,
Central Business District,
Garki, Abuja - Nigeria
7th April, 2015
* Speaker: Pastor J. K. Abiodun
* Topic: Jesus the Joy Giver
* Text: Psalm 16:11 →"You will show me the path of life. In your presence is fullness of joy. In your right hand there are pleasures forevermore."

* One of the lessons of Easter is the joy that Jesus brought

* Jesus has given us victory and joy over all issues of life

* If Jesus is missing from your life, you cannot know joy; the best you can experience is happiness

* Happiness is temporary and dependent on circumstances

Generators of Joy
1. Divine victory
2. Surpassed expectations
3. When the impossible becomes possible
4. God's visitation to you

Conditions for getting joy
1. Salvation (Revelation 3:20)
→ without salvation, joy will not come
→ without Christ, crises will come

2. Holy Spirit's Baptism
→ This is a necessity for all believers
→ Before the advent of the Holy spirit, the disciples of Jesus were fearful
Acts 1:8
→ The baptism of the Holy spirit Can come upon you every where
→ A Christian without the Holy Spirit is powerless
→ When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, He fills you with joy and empowers you
→ Without the Holy Spirit, you cannot go far
→ Joy is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)

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