Friday 3 April 2015

It is Finished (Rev. David Kwamkur) 03-04-2015

@ Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN)
Area 1, Garki - Abuja, Nigeria
Easter Friday
3rd April, 2015

* Speaker: Rev. David Kwamkur
* Topic: It is Finished
* Text: John 19:28-30

* Question: Why do people die?
→ You must know why people are born
→ The same reason why people die is the reason why they live
→ Every person is born with a specific purpose

* As believers in Christ, we must realize that we are merely ambassadors on this earth. At the end of our 'Diplomatic Mission', we will return back to Heaven, our home country

* On earth, people who have material possessions made of gold always brag about it, but in heaven, gold is trampled underfoot on the streets (Revelation 21:21)

* Note: Heaven is far better than even the most beautiful part of the earth!

* Why does God not rapture a person the moment he or she becomes born again?

* The same reason why Jesus came to the earth is the same reason why God leaves believers to walk and work on the earth!

* Question: Was Jesus happy knowing that He Was about to face a terrible death?
→ Ordinarily, people fear the prospect of dying and dread it with all their heart
* Jesus' death was a death with a difference!
→ Yes, Jesus was happy to die for your sins because that is the will of His Father

* Question: is Jesus still happy that he died?
→ By continuing to live in sin, you show that you do not appreciate the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross, and this displeases him

* Jesus prayed for (and still desires) the unity of the Church

* If a person dies, he or she is eulogised on a tombstone, remembering what the person lived for
→ If you die today, what do you want to be remembered for?

2 Timothy 4:7"I have fought the good fight. I have completed the race. I have kept the faith."

* Before the Lord returns, the gospel must be preached to the whole world

* The 2nd coming of Jesus is dependent on the work and efforts of believers (reaching the unreached and those in darkness)

* Just like a good father would not want anything bad to happen to his children, Jesus preferred to die in the place of his children, the believers

* John 10:10b → Jesus came to give us abundant life

* The purpose of Jesus' coming is to bring salvation
→ He knew the will of God for His life and He was determined to fulfil it

* though It was not easy to fulfil God's will, yet Jesus obeyed and endured till the very end, even to death

* The miracle in the death of Christ is more spectacular than his resurrection

The Significance of the death of Jesus:
1. It marks the end of the era of agony and ushers us into the period of triumphant victory

2. It marks the end of bondage from sin

3. It marks the end of the era of fear, and ushers in the era of peace and victory

4. It marks the end of the era of Law and the beginning of the era of grace

* The purpose of Jesus' coming is to bring salvation to mankind

* Jesus left us on earth to:
1. Preach the Gospel of Salvation
2 Corinthians 5:18-19 →"But all things are of God, who reconciled us to himself through Jesus Christ, and gave to us the ministry of reconciliation; namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and having committed to us the word of reconciliation."

2. To be a blessing to others

3. To bring rebels back to Christ
→ Anyone who does not accept Christ is a rebel

* The work of spreading the gospel is not only for Pastors but it is the duty of every believer

* If you cannot go (out to preach the gospel), then, send someone

* life is very short. Stop waiting and start doing something (about what God has called you to do)

* Death is sure, either you die, or the person you were sent to dies

* You should have an urgent disposition towards preaching the gospel

* There are many people who are ready to hear the Good news

* Do not be discouraged by those who do not accept the gospel

* Remember as you preach, that you are not responsible for ensuring that people repent and turn to Christ. Your duty is just to TELL them the good news; the Holy Spirit will do the rest

* "The value of your life does not depend on the money in your bank account or the degrees you have, but on the relationship you have with Jesus Christ"
→ Rev. David Kwamkur

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