Sunday 28 December 2014

5 Keys to a Happy New Year (Rev. Tongsmang T. Dasbak) 28-12-2014

@ Jesus Revelation Assembly (JRA)
Tudun-Wada Ring Road,
Jos, Plateau State
28th December, 2014

* Speaker: Rev. Tongsmang T. Dasbak
* Topic: 5 Keys to a Happy New Year

- In Philippians Chapter 3, Paul used the power of imagery and illustration to portray himself as three (3) different persons:

(a) In Philippians 3:1-11, Paul portrays himself as an Accountant.
- Key words: "I have new values"
- If you do not have any godly values, you have nothing to live for

(b) In Philippians 3:12-16, Paul portrays himself as an Athlete
- Key words: "I press towards the goal"
- In other words, Paul is saying "I have a new vigour"
- Without the discipline and the vigour of an athlete, you cannot pursue your values in order to attain your goals

(c) In Philippians 3:17-21, Paul portrays Himself as an Alien
→ Key words: "I look"
- This world has everything that you need to become what God wants you to become, but you have to look for them diligently
- If you do not look, you will not discover

The 5 Keys to a Happy New Year
Key #1: Dissatisfaction
Philippians 3:12-13
"It’s not that I have already reached this goal or have already become perfect. But I keep pursuing it, hoping somehow to embrace it just as I have been embraced by the Messiah Jesus. Brothers, I do not consider myself to have embraced it yet. But this one thing I do: Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead."
- Paul was satisfied with Jesus as his Lord, but he was dissatisfied with his life & achievements
- You must be careful of entertaining a false estimate of your own spiritual condition
- When you become satisfied with your present condition, you will not grow
- If you want more out of life, You must be dissatisfied with your present condition
- Whatever you are doing, try to be the best that you can possibly be
- Stop comparing Yourself with others
- Do whatever you can to improve your lot in life
- Regardless of what you have achieved so far, there is always room for further improvement and growth

Key #2: Devotion
Philippians 3:14
"I keep pursuing the goal to win the prize of God’s heavenly call in the Messiah Jesus."
- You need to have a definite Focus for your life
- Your focus must be defined
- You must be determined to avoid anything that may distract you from your goal(s) is life
- Set time aside everyday to prayerfully evaluate your life's purpose
- If you aim at nothing, you will achieve nothing
- You need to persist and focus on your goals

Key #3: Direction
Philippians 3: 13b
"But this one thing I do: Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead."
- In order to forge ahead in life, there are some past experiences that you must forget
- Do not allow yourself to be controlled by your past experiences of failure, discouragements, betrayals, weaknesses and rejection
- Do not be weighed down or discouraged by the many times you have failed at achieving your goals
- Have a genuine direction for your life
- "Do not cry over spilled milk" - if you fail at succeeding at something, ensure that you recover as fast as you can and try again
- There is a greater future ahead of you than your past (unpleasant) experiences

Key #4: Determination
Philippians 3:14:
"I keep pursuing the goal to win the prize of God’s heavenly call in the Messiah Jesus."
- The two (2) extremes you must avoid in life while pursuing your goals include the misconceptions that:
(a) "God must do all"
(b) "I must do all"
- You must not achieve all that you have set out to achieve all at once
- Aim at 'winning' small territories at a time, gradually
- Use the resources at your disposal to do the best you can possibly do
- You don't have to be a 'great person' to make it in life.
- You must realise that greatness is in categories and levels. Do not despise the days of little (small) beginnings
- Don't be jealous of anybody, but work hard on your goals
- Be satisfied with what God is about to do in your life

Key #5: Discipline
Philippians 3:14-15
"I keep pursuing the goal to win the prize of God’s heavenly call in the Messiah Jesus. Therefore, those of us who are mature should think this way. And if you think differently about anything, God will show you how to think."
- Without discipline, an athlete can be disqualified from a sporting event
- You can learn from others, but don't argue with them
- If you want to be great, you must make friends with great people and seek great ideas
- Work gradually towards getting to where you want to be and God will Surely bless you
- You must be consistently diligent and disciplined at maintaining focus on your life's goals
- Without the discipline of diligence, it would be impossible to achieve anything meaningful in your life
- Discipline will enable you to overcome any weakness that may potentially hinder you from reaching your goals in the coming year(s)

The 5 Keys to a Happy New Year
★Key #1: Dissatisfaction
★Key #2: Devotion
★Key #3: Direction
★Key #4: Determination
★Key #5: Discipline

Thursday 25 December 2014

Good Tidings of Salvation (Rev. Chrysanthus John Bala) 25-12-2014

@ Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN)
Area 1, Garki-Abuja
25th December, 2014
* Speaker: Rev. Chrysanthus John Bala
* Topic: Good Tidings of Salvation
* Text: Luke 2:8-14 
* In Biblical times, Shepherds were considered to be unclean due to the nature of their profession & interaction with animals.
* God chose to herald the first message of the birth of Christ to lowly shepherds who were isolated on fields while guarding their flock at night
* The reason why the Christmas message was first broadcasted to Shepherds
1. They were poor. God does not discriminate between the rich and the poor
2. Jesus came through the lineage of David who was also a Shepherd before He was anointed as King of Israel. His birth was Symbolic and a fulfilment of Biblical prophesies 
* What is your perception of Jesus Christ?
- to some people, He is their Saviour, to others, He is just a "good man".
* If Jesus is not your Saviour, Christmas has no relevance for you
* Even today, many people reject the Salvation that Jesus came to offer freely
* The primary reason for Jesus' birth was for the Salvation of all men. Including you.
* Question: Who is Jesus to you?
* As a Christian, You have a duty to tell others about the good tidings of the Saviour and the Salvation He offers. 
* You must always use every opportunity to speak to others of the love of Jesus and the free gift of this Salvation
* Quotes & Bits During Service:
→ "When you celebrate Christmas in a God-glorifying way, the power of Satan over your life is paralyzed. But when you celebrate it with sex, alcohol, and other forms of ungodliness, Satan is empowered." 
- Rev. David Kwamkur. 

Sunday 21 December 2014

Redemption as one of the Blessings of Doing the will of God (Pastor Victor Amos) 21-12-2014

@ Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN)
Area 1, Garki-Abuja
21st December, 2014

* Speaker: Pastor Victor Amos
* Topic: Redemption as one of the Blessings of Doing the will of God
* Theme for 2014: Knowing the will of God (Colossians 1:9)

* Redemption is the basis of our lives as Christians

* We are Christians today because we have been redeemed by Christ

* Redemption cannot be separated from the Cross of Christ; without to Cross of Christ, there will be no Gospel; without the Gospel, there is no Christianity

* No man can say "I am free from sin" - we were all born into the sinful nature; the sin of Adam has contaminated all of us from birth

Romans 3:23 → "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God"

* Sin separated man from God.

* God does not take sin lightly. Whenever God looks at man (pre-redemption), he sees a sinful entity

* Christ was offered up as an atonement for our sins in order to redeem us

* Redemption is salvation from sin

* "Redemption" may be defined as: "rescue (something or someone) upon the payment of a ransom".

* Redemption entails "buying back" what originally belonged to you; or what you are entitled to, subject to payment of a ransom

* The Biblical concept of Redemption: The firstborn child or an animal belongs to the Lord: To retain it, you must "buy it back" through an act of redemption.

★ Exodus 13:2 " Sanctify unto me all the firstborn, whatsoever openeth the womb among the children of Israel, both of man and of beast: it is mine."

★ Exodus 34:19-20 “Everything firstborn belongs to me: all the males of your herds, the firstborn of both cattle and sheep. You are to redeem the firstborn of a donkey with a sheep, and if you don’t redeem it, you are to break its neck. You are to redeem every firstborn of your sons, and no one is to appear before me empty-handed."

* The stories of our lives changed when Christ went to the cross and paid the ransom for us with His blood in order to translate us from darkness into light.

8 Benefits of Redemption
1. We were translated from darkness into light

Colossians 1:13 "God has rescued us from the power of darkness and has brought us into the kingdom of the Son whom he loves"
★ See also: Ephesians 5:8 and 1 Peter 2:9

2. You have eternal life in Christ.

3. You have forgiveness of Sins

4. Righteousness
- You have the Spirit of God to help you live right.

5. Adoption into God's family
- Redemption makes it possible for you to be adopted into God's family

- If you have not been redeemed, you cannot claim to a part of God's family

6. Deliverance from Sin
★ Titus 2:14 "He gave himself for us to set us free from every wrong and to cleanse us so that we could be his special people who are enthusiastic about doing good deeds."

- Sin places you under the bondage of Satan. The atonement of Christ on the Cross of Calvary makes it possible to be delivered/liberated from the power of sin

7. Peace with God:
- When you were in sin, you were an enemy of God

- If you have no relationship with Christ, you have no peace

8. The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
1 Cor 6:19-20 " You know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God, don’t you? You do not belong to yourselves, because you were bought for a price. Therefore, glorify God with your bodies."

- The Holy Spirit helps you to live a life that is pleasing to God

* NOTE: Those who have been redeemed must live differently from those who are still living in darkness

* At this Christmas Season, the redeemed in Christ will not do anything in the course of the celebrations that will grieve the Holy Spirit

* The freedom of the redeemed is not for his/her own benefit, but it is to be utilized to serve and glorify the Redeemer!

Sunday 14 December 2014

Do not give or take Bribes (Pastor Gyang Chollom Sambo) 14-12-2014

Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN)
Kugbo, Nyanya - Abuja
14th December, 2014

* Topic: Do not give or take Bribes
* Theme: Knowing the Will of God
* Sub-theme: Knowing the will of God in Giving
* Speaker: Pastor Gyang Chollom Sambo
Pastor Gyang Chollom Sambo
* Text: Ecclesiastes 7:7 - "Unjust gain makes the wise foolish, and a bribe corrupts the heart''.

* A bribe is anything given (or taken) in order to obtain or bestow unjust advantage in any given circumstance

* A bribe is a gift that is given in a corrupt way

Exodus 23:8 - "Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds those who see and twists the words of the innocent."

* A bribe makes people blind - such a person cannot see what he/she ought to see. It paralyzes a person's will from taking due action

* Reasons why people give bribes:
1. To corrupt the morality and the will of persons in authority
2. To obtain an unjust advantage or favour
3. To turn a truth into a lie
* The Bible condemns giving and receiving of bribes in any form whatever

* All bribes are evil, regardless of whether you give or receive it

Job 15:34 - "For the company of the godless is desolation, and fire consumes the tents of those who bribe"

* Many public officers are corrupt because many of them gained employment through bribery and therefore, they still discharge their official duties by demanding and accepting bribes

* Bribes have the capability to turn the right thing to become a wrong thing

* Sometimes as Christians, we find ourselves under pressure to give bribes in order to obtain some undue favour or advantage, but we must trust God to help us to honour Him under all circumstances
1st Samuel 8:1-3 - "When Samuel grew old, he appointed his sons as Israel’s leaders. The name of his firstborn was Joel and the name of his second was Abijah, and they served at Beersheba. But his sons did not follow his ways. They turned aside after dishonest gain and accepted bribes and perverted justice."

* Even some religious leaders indulge in collecting bribes in order to twist justice among their followers

* God does not condone or support those who take or give bribes

* Child of God, trust God for every thing you need in life. There is nothing that God cannot do for you.

* Some of the things given as bribes:
(a) Money (or money's worth)
(b) Valuable things or materials
(c) Sexual favours

* NOTE: Anything you obtain through bribery or any corrupt practice does not have the blessings of God and is susceptible to the attacks of Satan (because it was obtained through his evil principles)

Psalm 26:9-10 - "Do not group me with sinners, nor include me with men who shed blood. Their hands are filled with wicked schemes, and their right hands with bribes."

* The giving and taking of bribes is actually a sign that you do not trust God to favour you, bless you or promote you

* The current security challenges prevalent in Nigeria is persisting because most of those who are charged with the responsibility of handling the situation have been "blinded" by bribes.

* A bribe separates a man from God

* God knows the heart of every man. Many people we know and call "Honourable" today in our society are actually considered by God as fools because they willingly engage in bribery and corruption
Isaiah 33:15-19 - "Those who walk righteously and speak what is right, who reject gain from extortion and keep their hands from accepting bribes, who stop their ears against plots of murder and shut their eyes against contemplating evil— they are the ones who will dwell on the heights, whose refuge will be the mountain fortress. Their bread will be supplied, and water will not fail them. Your eyes will see the king in his beauty and view a land that stretches afar. In your thoughts you will ponder the former terror. “Where is that chief officer? Where is the one who took the revenue?
Where is the officer in charge of the towers?” You will see those arrogant people no more, people whose speech is obscure, whose language is strange and incomprehensible."

 * Those who collect or give bribes are enemies of God regardless of whether they are Christians or not

Ezekiel 22:12 - "They take bribes among you to shed blood. You’ve taken usury and exacted interest. You’ve gained control over your neighbour through extortion. And you’ve forgotten me,” declares the Lord GOD"

* Whenever you take or give bribes, you show evidently by your conduct that you have forgotten that God is the ultimate way-maker, and that only He makes a way where there is no Way!

* You must not give or take bribes Just because every one is doing it.

Exodus 23:2 - "You are not to follow the majority in doing wrong, and you are not to testify in a lawsuit so as to follow the majority and pervert justice."

* If you are obedient to God, He will prosper You. If you choose to prosper yourself (through bribery and corruption), God will surely punish you

* NOTE: People who believe in collecting or giving bribes usually find it difficult to give freely and generously - without expecting anything in return

* When you do not take or give bribes, you are in a better position to make just and right decisions and maintain your integrity

* Action Point:
Make up your mind to consistently trust God for every single thing that you need in life. Refuse to obtain unjust gain or undue advantage by either giving bribes, collecting bribes or engaging in any other corrupt practice.

Sunday 7 December 2014

Knowing God's will in Christ Jesus (Rev. Festus S. Dashem) 07-12-2014

@ Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN)
Jiyep-Hwolshe, Jos
Plateau State - Nigeria
7th December, 2014

* Topic: Knowing God's will in Christ Jesus
* Theme: Knowing the will of God
* Speaker: Rev. Festus S. Dashem
* Text: Luke 2:1-14

* So many people do not know the true meaning of Christmas, even though they celebrate it every year

* The common expression "as weak as a baby" does not apply to Jesus Christ - He is God; He is the Centre of Power

* It was the Roman Government's tradition to conduct population census every 14 years.

* Bethlehem means "house of bread". Note: Jesus is the bread of life. → John 6:35 "Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."

- Therefore, the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem was symbolic.

* The announcement of the Messiah's birth was given by an angel to some anonymous Shepherds. Why shepherds, not Priests or Scribes?

* Reason: The Grace of God was revealed to all men, regardless of status or position.
Romans 2:11 - "For there is no partiality with God."

* Their work (as shepherds) made them ceremonially unclean, and kept them away from the temple for weeks, so they could not be made clean

* God does not only call the rich and mighty, but also the poor and lowly

* The shepherds were conscripted as heralds and evangelists of the Saviour's Coming

* The Massage of the Angels:
 Verse 10: "fear not, we bring good news"

* As a Christian, you must not be afraid to preach the good news of Christ anywhere you go
* The Hebrew word "Shalom" means more than peace (absence of war), but total well-being, security, soundness and completeness of mind.

* NOTE: Outside Jesus, you cannot experience genuine peace/Shalom

* Shalom has more to do with character, more than circumstances

* At the time of difficulty for the Israelites (taxes were high, there was unemployment, and poverty) God Sent his Son to usher in a reign of lasting peace

* During the period of Jesus' birth, High Priests and Priesthood was controversial for the following reasons:
→ No person/worshiper could see the Priest except through his Captains;
→ A Priest must marry a virgin of not more than 12 Years old;
→ A Priest must not eat in public;
→ A Priest must not touch any woman except his wife;
→ The temple was segregated according to levels of Holiness. Only the High Priest can enter into the Holy of Holies once a year to offer atonement on behalf of the people;
→ A Priest must not come near a corpse
→ The crippled, lame, leper can not enter the temple for any reason
→ A Priest must wear 18 garments to heal 18 ailments

* Jesus Came to deliver people from the old order of things

* Jesus is the High priest that sets the captives free

* In Jesus Christ, Priesthood is no longer dependent on garments and the fulfilment of strict religious criteria, but by faith in Jesus Christ

* In Jesus, healing is a matter of faith, not of garments or religious ceremonies and rituals

* The mission of Jesus is to rescue all men from darkness and translate them to the light of God

* The coming of Jesus is absolute good news to all of us

* Question: is your life a source of good news to your family, office, colleagues, community, Church, etc.?

* You should live a life that portrays good news to the world

* If your life is not a source of good news, the solution is simple → Repent and accept Jesus Christ the Messiah as your Lord and Savior.