Sunday 5 April 2015

SPECIAL EASTER HOLY COMMUNION (Pastor Victor Amos) 05-04-2015


Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN)
Area 1, Garki - Abuja
5th April, 2015
* Speaker: Pastor Victor Amos
* Text: Isaiah 5:1-7

Pastor Victor Amos

* You are the vineyard of the Lord Almighty

* A farmer will do anything possible to make his crops grow well
→ A lot of preparation, hard work and sacrifice goes into planting and tending the crops

* The farmer expects a good harvest after all his efforts

* All the resources you'll ever need to be a 'good fruit' has already been provided by God

* God expects you to bear good fruit

* Have you taken time to reflect on the kind of fruit you are bearing?

* Christian life does not end only in the Church, but it must be seen every where you go

* Serving God, attending Church activities and living a righteous life should be your priority

* You need to balance your commitments so that you do not become unfaithful and unfruitful towards the things of God

* As a Christian, you must always make time for God; Make time to be with the Lord

* NOTE: At the judgment, no excuse from you for being ineffective, unproductive and unfruitful will suffice

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