Sunday 1 March 2015

Flourish like a Palm Tree (Pastor Victor T. Amos) 01-03-2015

@ Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN)
Area 1, Garki - Abuja, Nigeria
1st March, 2015

* Topic: Flourish like a Palm Tree
* Speaker: Pastor Victor T. Amos
* Text: Psalm 92:12-15
* Theme: Growing Up in Christ
* Sub-Theme: Intentional Growth
* Service Leader: Elder Katlong Boniface

* The basic notion of being righteous refers to a person who is sinless or morally upright

→ Those who are righteous have Christ's nature in them and it empowers them to overcome their Adamic nature.

→ The primary focus of those who are righteous is to worship and serve God at every opportunity, and with every resource they can get; They are totally surrendered to God.

* A righteous person does not entertain sin in his or her life.
→ His/her heart bleeds whenever he or she falls into sin and there is always immediate repentance and restitution

* NOTE: Coming to Church will not take you to heaven; You need to have a personal relationship with Christ

* CAVEAT: Unless you have a personal relationship with Christ, this Sermon will not make any meaning to you

* No matter the situation you are facing in life, you can get an answer in God's Word - especially in the book of Psalms

* God will not rest, until your case is settled

* As a Christian, believe that God has made every provision for you to flourish in every area of your life

* 'Flourishing' here does not mean that you will never face problems or challenges in life. It refers to the peace of God that rules your heart regardless of what you experience

* The two trees mentioned in Psalm 92:12
(a) Palm Tree
(b) Cedar of Lebanon

* Palm trees are evergreen, ever showing signs of life;
→ The longer the righteous is in the way and will of God, the more the Lord will beautify his/her life
Proverbs 3:5-6

* The Lord uses those who are righteous to beautify the world by influencing the lives of other people for good

* If you are righteous, you will not only stand tall, but you will stand taller than all your peers

* Palm trees have a reputation of living longer
→ God blesses those who love and serve Him with long life

* A palm tree grows straight and upwards:
→ The righteous person's focus is heaven

* The palm tree casts the least shadow among other trees in the forest
→ Those who are righteous do not overshadow others in their quest for prosperity
→ They focus on depopulating the kingdom of Satan and building others to become what God wants them to be
→ They are not threatened when those around (or even under) them succeed and prosper

* Unlike other trees, the palm tree is soft:
→ the heart of the righteous man is tender and filled with God's mercy & love

* The Palm tree is resilient
→ Persecutions, afflictions etc cannot hinder the growth of the righteous child of God; instead, they make him/her strong

* They were usually found on mountains, not on the low lands
Nahum 1:5
→ Righteous people are mountainous people: they are people of prayer
→ They understand the call of the Lord to wait on Him

* Cedars are the strongest woods in the forest
→ King Solomon used the Cedars to build the pillars of the temple (See: 1st Kings 6:9)
→ Righteous people are dependable, durable, consistent, committed and have both spiritual and physical vitally

→ God is committed to beautifying the lives of those who are righteous and are faithful in serving Him

* NOTE: You can not flourish by your own strength; You are a product of God's grace and mercy

→ You are what you are today (experiencing success and prosperity) because the Lord said "Amen" to your prayers

* The Psalmist did not make reference to other trees, because they are not evergreen; during the dry season, they shed their leaves and withered away
→ the Lord does not want His people to look dead (wither), but to flourish consistently (physically and spiritually)

* Even in old age, those who are righteous will still flourish and continue to bear fruit
(Psalm 92:14"They will still bear fruit even in old age; they will be luxuriant and green.")

* If you are not flourishing in life, don't blame any body; blame yourself!
→ Stop building barriers and limitations for yourself

* Young people must realize that God has provided all that is needed for them to flourish in life

* Christian couples should not live in division and compete with each other
→ Let people see the grace of God upon your marriage & family
→ Learn to be proactive in your marriage by always seeking out how to make your marriage union work
→ You are supposed to love your spouse to the extent of dying for him/her

* The children of God are the most priviledged people on earth!

→ Christians must always pray, instead of complaining and grumbling

* When you flourish, realize that it is not by your power
→ God helped you
→ God used other people to help you; therefore, you must also help others to be strong

* Do not allow pride to govern your life
→ Everything you have belongs to God

* Remember that one day you will be required to give an account of God's blessings upon your life


Palm trees are known for their long life. The stately date Palm and Cedar are highly valued by people in the Near East, the palm is known for its fruit and the cedar for its wood. Both were appreciated for their beauty and both trees can survive for many years.

For the righteous to flourish like a palm tree means to stand and stand tall and also live long. The ceders of Lebanon grew 120 feet in height and are up to 30 feet in circumference, thus, they were solid, strong and immovable. To stay fresh and green in old age and not spend one's life complaining and demanding is a mark of God's Special blessing and grace.

The Psalmist saw the believers as upright, strong unmoved by winds of circumstances. Those who place their faith firmly in the Lord Can experience this divine strength and vitality. The question is, do you have a relationship with the Lord Jesus?

"Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important and the best years of your life are the ones in which you decided your problems are your own. You don't blame them on your mother."
→ James Mason

"Oh believer, learn to reject pride, see that you have no basis for it. Whatever you are, you have nothing to make you proud. The more you're in debt to God, and you have no reason to be proud of what makes you a debtor."
→ Charles Spurgeon

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