Monday, 9 March 2015

God with us - Overcoming Indecision (Pastor Ambrose Nwogu) 09-03-2015

Central Business District,
Abuja - Nigeria
9th March, 2015

* Speaker: Pastor Ambrose Nwogu
* Topic: God with us
* Sub-Topic: Overcoming Indecision
* Text: Luke 19:1-5

* What steps must we take to have a definite encounter with Jesus?
1. You must have the desire to encounter Him
→ The journey to starting a personal relationship with Jesus starts with a desire to know Him more intimately

2. You must be determined
→ There are always hurdles

3. You must persevere
→ You need endurance to continue and finish well

4. You must be decisive
→ If you Want to have a touch from Jesus, you must not be undecided or in quandary
→ You must never waver or stagger in your quest to 'see' and encounter Jesus
→ The moment the Holy Spirit puts a thought in your heart concerning what to do, you must act immediately
→ You must always act in faith
→ Indecision will always bring you down
Judges 5:15-17 (The tribe of Reuben was indecisive on whether to join Deborah in the battle or not)
→ You must make the best of every opportunity
→ You must take a decisive step for the Lord
Luke 9:62 - "Jesus replied, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."
→ Many people have lost great opportunities because of indecisiveness

Father, stabilise my faith
Help me to be resolute for you
in all matters

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