Wednesday 18 March 2015

God with us (Pastor James Ajayi) 18-03-2015

Central Business District,
Abuja, Nigeria
18th March, 2015

* Speaker: Pastor James Ajayi
* Topic: God with us
* Text: Luke 19:3 - "He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he could not see over the crowd."

* When God is with you, everything will be alright

* You must strive to ensure that the Lord is with you

* Note: Zaccheus' desire was just to see Jesus and nothing more. Jesus saw his heart and gave him more than that - He got salvation & personal fellowship with Jesus! 

* What is your desire?

→Blind Bartimaeus desired to see Jesus
→ Jesus is always ready to attend to you and grant your heart's desire

* Note: anytime you try to press towards Jesus, the 'crowd' will always be present to discourage you

* You must always persevere and not allow anyone or anything to discourage you

* Note: the same crowd that tries to discourage you will come to you if they notice that your breakthrough is close
- (Mark 10:49 - And Jesus stopped and said, “Call him here.” So they called the blind man, saying to him, “Take courage, stand up! He is calling for you.”)

* God knows your desire but he wants you to:
→ Cry out to him
→ Reach out to Him in faith
→ Be specific in your request

* Note: Blind Bartimaeus approached God in faith and he got his miracle

* Mark 10:52: "And Jesus said to him, “Go; your faith has made you well.” Immediately he regained his sight and began following Him on the road."
→ After getting your miracle, remember to follow and serve Him
→ You are saved to serve God and be a blessing to others

* We all have our limitations - we are 'short' and 'blind' (like Zacchaeus and blind Bartimaeus), but we should come just as we are

* You are most miserable if you think you do not need Jesus

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