Wednesday 25 March 2015

God with us (Pastor Ambrose Nwogu) 25-03-2015

Central Business District,
25th March, 2015

* Speaker: Pastor Ambrose Nwogu
* Topic: God with us
* Text: Luke 19:1-5

* Zaccheus found himself on top of a tree in his quest to see Jesus

* Jesus should be the only person people should always strive to see - not any celebrity or politician  

* NOTE: Jesus looked up an saw Zaccheus, in spite of the crowd and He identified him by name!

* How did Jesus know the name of Zaccheus?

* God knew you before you were born

* NOTE: While Jesus was waiting for Zaccheus to climb down from tree, he stood still
→ Jesus will 'suspend everything' just to attend to you!
→ Jesus is never too busy for you

* Zaccheus came to just catch a glimpse of Jesus, but he got more than he expected - Jesus called him by name and went to his house

* Ephesians 3:20 - "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us"
→ Jesus is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, much more than you can ever ask or imagine

* Remain faithful and steadfast in serving the Lord, in due course, you will see the reward

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