Tuesday 7 September 1999

Tips for Ministration (Bro. Emmanuel Mabitine) 07-09-1999

@ Church of Christ in Nigeria (COCIN)
(Now, Church of Christ in Nations)
Hwolshe, Gigiring - Jos
Plateau State
7th September, 1999
Youth Band Rehearsals

* Speaker: Bro. Emmanuel Mabitine (Band Leader)
* Topic: Tips for Ministration

1. Pray before and after every ministration

2. Don't let the commendation (or lack of it) from the audience determine your joy

3. Do not over concentrate on the instruments and forget about who you are ministering to

4. Pay close attention to your heart (place it under God's guide)

5. As you minister, believe God for Something definite

6. Learn to pray for your audience

7. When you don't like a song, you will never flow in it - avoid that kind of habit. Sing every song with the whole of your heart

8. See every performance as an opportunity to minister

9. Forget about the pressures and concentrate on God

10. Be disciplined

11. Do not negatively pre-condition your mind before a ministration

12. Know why you are on stage!
→ It is not how popular you are, but what matters is your remaining on stage - You can stand before a King but will you remain before the King?

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