Thursday 9 September 1999

Looking unto Jesus 09-09-1999

@ Church of Christ in Nigeria (COCIN)
(Now Church of Christ in Nations)
Headquarters Compound Church
Youth Week
9th September, 1999

* Speaker: [no data]
* Topic: Looking unto Jesus

* The secret to spiritual vitality is looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith

* Jesus also ran the race of faith though He faced many obstacles

* There is a prize at the end of the road

* When winning a race, the direction of your face matters a lot
→ An athlete must be a focused person

Psalm 57

* One who must draw vitality from God MUST be focused
NOTE: Everything you look at affects you

* A man who is not looking 'up' cannot get anything from there

James 1:6 → "But he must ask in faith, without any doubts, for the one who has doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind."

* The reason why many who were ordained for greatness did not get there is because they did not fix their eyes on the goal

→ A person who is unstable will never recieve anything from God

* Many Christians are indecisive and unstable in their ways

* God gives His blessings only to those who are not unstable and careless

* Physical things are ordered from the spiritual realm - if you are unstable in your spiritual life, it will manifest in the physical things that can be seen

* No human being is a reference point for our Christian living
→ You should only conform to the image of Jesus

* No human being is indispensable and you cannot fulfil God's desires until your eyes are fixed and focused on Jesus - when He becomes your reference point

* Instability is a major disqualification for a man who wants to walk with God

* The pleasures of this life have the potential to make you unstable
→ The best things in life might not be God's will for you

* The whole duty of man is to fear God

Psalm 73
→ When you consider the prosperity of the wicked (of the world) you'll slip away

* Every advantage in life has disadvantages

* A man that lives in godless pleasure now is actually living in death

* Even if you attain your heart's dreams while here on earth, you still have eternity to face

* You may be happy, but without Jesus, you cannot find true joy (which is a fruit of the spirit)

* Men who do not have God cannot sing in the midst of calamity

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