Wednesday 17 February 1999

Man of The Spirit (Mr. Joel Bibot) 17-02-1999

@ Church of Christ in Nigeria (COCIN)
(now, Church of Christ in Nations)
Hwolshe, Gigiring, Jos
Plateau State - Nigeria
17th February, 1999
Youth Fellowship
* Topic: Man of The Spirit
* Speaker: Mr. Joel Bibot

* The man of the Spirit allows the Spirit of God to take control

* One who is in the Spirit is more clever than the tempter (devil)

* Ephesians 6:18 →" Pray in the Spirit at all times with every kind of prayer and request. Likewise, be alert with your most diligent efforts and pray for all the saints."

* Pray in the Spirit with all manner of prayer

How to walk in the Spirit of God:  
1. Know your position in Christ

2. Know the power of God working in you (Ephesians 1:18-19)

3. Know the power of the Word (Hebrews 4:12)

4. Know that as the man of the Spirit, you have angels assigned to you and hosts of angels are watching over you

Some types of Angels:  
(a) Messengers
→ they deliver messages to you from God
→ they sensitize you to the presence and activities of Satan and his demons around you

(b) Warriors
→ They engage your enemies in Warfare

(c) Hunters
→ They hunt the enemies of your soul (Jeremiah 16:16)

(d) Fishers
→ They fish out all the demonic spirits and cage them (Jeremiah 16:16)

(e) The Flying Scroll
→ They are sent (as a curse) to catch thieves and those who swear falsely (Zechariah 5:1)

(f) The Bird of Prey
→ Executes the counsel (purpose) of God for your life (Isaiah 46:11)
→ Deals with those that are your enemies

(g) The Waster (KJV) or Ravager (ISV)
→ Consumes with fire and deals with situations

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