Wednesday 24 February 1999

The School of Prayer (Mr. lstifanus D. Gyang) 24-02-1999

Church of Christ in Nigeria (COCIN)
(Now Church of Christ in Nations)
Hwolshe, Gigiring, Jos
Plateau State, Nigeria
24th February, 1999

* Speaker: Mr. lstifanus D. Gyang
* Topic: The School of Prayer
* Text: James 5:16“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."

* The platform of righteousness guarantees effectual prayer

* Prayer is a process of Communication between man and God

* Prayer that works begins with consecration

Matthew 5:8 “How blessed are those who are pure in heart, because it is they who will see God!"

* You cannot see God unless you are Holy

Points to Note:
1. Consecrate yourself
→ Before prayer, organize yourself for victory

2. Locate the will of God for your life

3. Remind God of His Word

4. Your personal testimony matters a lot
→ Confront your situation with your testimonies of God's faithfulness

* Note: If you are committed (to God), you will have testimonies before the Lord during prayer

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