Sunday 27 December 2015

First things First (Pastor Dangana Nyazan) 27-12-2015

@ Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN)
Jiyep - Hwolshe, Jos;
Plateau State - Nigeria
27th December, 2015

* Speaker: Pastor Dangana Nyazan
* Topic: First Things First
* Text: Matthew 6:33 →"But first be concerned about God’s kingdom and his righteousness, and all of these things will be provided for you as well."

A man went to a motor park early in the morning hoping to catch a taxi to Jalingo, Taraba State of Nigeria from Jos, Plateau State. Other passengers arrived and tickets were sold. At the time for boarding, no seat was reserved for the man and he started making trouble that he was the first to arrive the park and therefore, should be given a seat in the taxi. On further investigation, it was discovered that the man possessed a ticket for the previous day and was prevented from boarding. His ticket was not valid.

* There is a destined date attached to everything and every event in the world

* In the Nigerian educational system, before you proceed to the next level, you must show a certificate evidencing that you had passed the previous level(s) as a prerequisite (Eg: the Secondary School Certificate is a prerequisite for gaining admission into University)

* As you make your plans for the next year, there are uncertainties that may affect the success of your plans

Jeremiah 29:11 →"For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for well-being, and not for calamity, in order to give you a future and a hope."

* God has a good plan for his sons and daughters.
→ Excellent blessings for the present and the future

* Before you will enjoy God's blessings in the coming year, you have to seek the Kingdom of God as a prerequisite

* You should subject ALL your plans to the Lord's will as you seek him earnestly

* God desires to bless you, but you have to choose to access these blessings by faith

* As you prepare to step into 2016, realize that God is the owner of every day and every year

* Life is full of uncertainties, and only God knows the end of every person

* Many of us make plans without God - like the rich fool in Luke 12:16-21 who erroneously assumed that he controlled his own life

* Ensure that you plan with God every step of the way

* Make it your priority to seek God today and in the coming years

* The wise who always seek God have wonderful testimonies because He will always bless them

* As you continuously seek God earnestly, He will grant the desires of your heart

* If you walk alone, you will never reach your destiny
→ If you walk with God, he will guide and prosper you

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