Sunday 23 October 2016

My Be-Attitude 9 - Blessed are those who are persecuted for Righteousness Sake (Pastor Sarah Omakwu) 23-10-2016

@ Family Worship Centre (FWC)
Wuye, Abuja
2nd Sunday Service
23rd October, 2016
Pastor Sarah Omakwu
Picture Credit: FWC Media

*   Speaker: Pastor Sarah Omakwu
* Topic: My Be-Attitude 9 (Blessed are those who are persecuted for Righteousness Sake)  
* NOTE: Ironically, the reward for imbibing the be-attitudes (humility, meekness, peace, righteousness, etc) is persecution!
→ The world will not praise or applaud you for being Christlike.
→ The world persecuted, oppressed, opposed, mocked and even killed Jesus only because He was fully pleasing to God. You should not expect anything less
Meaning of 'Blessed':
* 'Blessed' here connotes the joy that comes from knowing that God is for you, in you and that He will help you
→ 'Happiness' is an emotion that is conditional and dependent on circumstances.
⇒ Jesus did not promise us happiness, but JOY
→ Joy is not dependent on circumstances. It is a fruit of the Holy Spirit that bubbles in the heart of a child of God regardless of what he/she is experiencing (see: Galatians 5:22-23)
* Joy enables a child of God to endure difficulties and challenges
Job 13:15 →"Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. Even so, I will defend my own ways before Him." 
Philippians 4:4 →"Rejoice in the Lord always. Again! I say rejoice.
* This blessing cannot be diminished or undermined by anything - even extreme suffering and death!
* Happiness comes and goes, but joy stays!
Meaning of 'Persecution'
* Persecution is like an enemy pursing you
→ it means 'being vexed'
→ it is an all-out act of violence
→ it entails cruel mocking
→ Reproachful language or attitude
→ imprisonment
→ unjust punishment
* If as a Christian, you are not persecuted, something is wrong
→ You must brace yourself for persecution and pray for the grace to overcome
Meaning of 'Revile'
→ It is is to be shamed
→ it is contempt
Why would I be persecuted?:
1. The world is fallen and you (as a Christian) oppose its values  
→ The world oppresses anything that does not conform to its values
2 Timothy 3:12 →"Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution."
2. Because your righteous life judges them
→ If unbelievers or people feel free to sin around you, this is a sign that you have compromised
3. Because you are attached to Christ
→ If the world persecuted Jesus your master, they will persecute you too (see: John 15:20)
4. Because you have refused to be a hypocrite
5. Your stated belief in the articles of the Christian faith and your adherence to it will make the world hate you
6. Because you have been separated from the world and you do not belong to them
* NOTE: If you have never been persecuted as a Christian, it means you are compromising in some area of your life
* There are many Christians that are so determined to be loved and accepted by the world that they lower their standards
→ this is bad Christianity
* NOTE: What you compromise to keep, you will lose!
* You must reject anything that God did not give you
→ Take a stand for righteousness
→ If you must compromise your faith in Jesus to get something, then such a thing is not worth it (see: Matthew 16:26)
* We live in a generation that is flippant and does not believe in righteousness or integrity
* Today, many Christians are not persecuted for their faith
→ This is because they behave like the children of the devil
→ The devil will not oppose what is his own!
* The Church is not making any impact because of its many compromises
Question: When was the last time you told anyone about Jesus?
* NOTE: All religions, sects and beliefs are united in their attack of our Lord Jesus Christ
→ This is because Jesus is the Rock of Offense (See: 1 Peter 2:8Romans 9:33Isaiah 8:14)
* The time has come for Christians to stand out for Jesus
→ You were not called to blend in but to stand out
* Jesus was a 'one man riot' and could not be convicted of any sin or wrongdoing (see John 14:30; Luke 23:4)
→ with God, you are a majority
* When you compromise, you cannot freely talk about Jesus to those who know you have no integrity
* NOTE: A true Christian ought to be a standing rebuke to the world
* Unfortunately, no one wants to persecute the Church because there is nothing to oppose.
→ The Church and Christians have 'blended in'
* To be persecuted for righteousness sake is to be 'punished' or 'victimized' for doing what is right, for the right reasons and for the sake of Christ
* Righteousness means moral uprightness
→ A child of God must be above board (a person of integrity)
* If you are not persecuted for being a Christian, check you life, something is wrong
Luke 6:26 →" Woe to you when all men speak well of you, For so did their fathers to the false prophets."
* If you are causing trouble for yourself, and they punish you, repent. This does not qualify as persecution
→ A Christian must not go looking for trouble
→ What God expects of you is to preach the good news and take a stand for righteousness
* Be meek and humble about your persecution
→ Do not go about bragging, complaining or whining
☆ When you are persecuted, You must not:
→ retaliate
→ sulk
→ lick your wound like a dog
* You should not allow injustice, oppression or suffering (that arises as a result of your belief in Jesus) to separate you from the love of God (see: Romans 8:35-36)
Advantages of Persecution:
1. It brings you into fellowship with Jesus
2. It builds up your character
3. When you are persecuted, you will know how strong you are
4. It exposes areas of weakness in your life
5. It produces Christian character and virtues in your life
6. It tests your loyalty, faith and trust
7. It is accompanied by a glory
* Caution: Always ensure that you are not suffering for wrongdoing, but for righteousness (see: 1 Peter 2:20; 1 Peter 3:17)
* Every Christian must expect persecution
→ You cannot pray it away
→ If Jesus suffered, you will also suffer! (unless you are compromising)
Lord, I repent for compromising
And for not standing out for you
Have mercy on me
I want a new life that comes from you
I need to make things right today
Help me to be the kind of man/woman
that you want me to be
Help me to be bold
Help me to stand out for you
All the days of my life
Pastor Sarah Omakwu
Picture credit: FWC Media

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