Thursday, 25 December 2014

Good Tidings of Salvation (Rev. Chrysanthus John Bala) 25-12-2014

@ Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN)
Area 1, Garki-Abuja
25th December, 2014
* Speaker: Rev. Chrysanthus John Bala
* Topic: Good Tidings of Salvation
* Text: Luke 2:8-14 
* In Biblical times, Shepherds were considered to be unclean due to the nature of their profession & interaction with animals.
* God chose to herald the first message of the birth of Christ to lowly shepherds who were isolated on fields while guarding their flock at night
* The reason why the Christmas message was first broadcasted to Shepherds
1. They were poor. God does not discriminate between the rich and the poor
2. Jesus came through the lineage of David who was also a Shepherd before He was anointed as King of Israel. His birth was Symbolic and a fulfilment of Biblical prophesies 
* What is your perception of Jesus Christ?
- to some people, He is their Saviour, to others, He is just a "good man".
* If Jesus is not your Saviour, Christmas has no relevance for you
* Even today, many people reject the Salvation that Jesus came to offer freely
* The primary reason for Jesus' birth was for the Salvation of all men. Including you.
* Question: Who is Jesus to you?
* As a Christian, You have a duty to tell others about the good tidings of the Saviour and the Salvation He offers. 
* You must always use every opportunity to speak to others of the love of Jesus and the free gift of this Salvation
* Quotes & Bits During Service:
→ "When you celebrate Christmas in a God-glorifying way, the power of Satan over your life is paralyzed. But when you celebrate it with sex, alcohol, and other forms of ungodliness, Satan is empowered." 
- Rev. David Kwamkur. 

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