Thursday, 3 May 2001

The Building of a Life (Dr. Yakubu Usman) 03-05-2001

@ Arts & Speakers,
Elratam Network  
Church of Christ in Nigeria (COCIN),
(now, Church of Christ in Nations)
Hwolshe, Gigiring – Jos
3rd May, 2001  


* Speaker: Dr. Yakubu Usman
* Topic: The Building of a Life  
* The Three Things That Happen During the Teaching of the Word of God:
1. Some do not understand the teaching 
2. Some misunderstand the teaching  
3. Some understand but will respond with anger because it exposes their lifestyles
4. Some understand and are inspired to change their lives
* How wise are you?
- Is it possible you can be wiser?
- Are you as wise as you can be?
* If you had everything in your power (finances & resources) where will you site your building in Jos?
* These two builders represent types of Christians
* Being wise means living in accordance to the Word of God
* NOTE: The Sermon on the Mount is a compilation of the teachings of Jesus delivered at a particular period (not necessarily at one sitting)
* What is a parable?
- It is a story with a hidden spiritual meaning that may not be obvious at the first instance
- It is God’s special revelation to believers seeking more light

 * The FOOLISH BUILDER (in Jesus’ parable) used sand to make his foundation
* The location and quality of a foundation determines the survival of any building

 * The WISE BUILDER chose the rock as his foundation
- Great effort is required to move building materials up a rock
- It takes tough and deliberate effort to live by the Word of God
* NOTE: Every Christian is a builder, having some sort of foundation
* Note the Similarities between the two (2) builders:
1. They were both builders
2. They had the same wood from (probably) the same source
3. They were subjected to similar challenges – wind & rain
    - There is ample evidence that good and bad people suffer alike  
* Matthew 5:45 – These are challenges:
    - Rain represents blessings in scriptures
    - If the foundation is not solid, rain which is supposed to be a blessing would become a curse
* Both houses represent five (5) things:
(a) Character  - (the stuff you are made up of)
(b) Lifestyle – (things that portray you/your life’s priorities)
(c) Goals of your life (things you want to accomplish in life) 
(d) Dreams – (things you wish you had)
(e) Conduct – (behavior)

* The only thing that they had as a variable was the foundation
* On what foundation are you standing on?
* If you are faced with a situation, how many scriptural principles come to your mind?
* You cannot lay a strong foundation if you don’t hear clearly from God

 Some ‘Building Materials’ available to Christians:
1.   Righteous acts (Matthew 6:1-6)
2.   The Knowledge of God (Matthew 5:5-8)
    -  This always results in producing humility in your life 
3.   Dealing with your weaknesses (Matthew 7:1-5)
    -  This prepares you to withstand the storm of temptations whenever they arise  
4.   Doing God’s will
5.   Appreciating God’s forgiveness (Matthew 6:14-15)
6.   Rightly handling material possessions (Matthew6:19-42)
7.   A consistent life of integrity
    -  The fruits of God’s Words and your lifestyle must tie together, if not, something is definitely wrong
Important Questions you need to ask yourself: 
* How rich or poor are you spiritually?
* How often do you mourn over your sins and those of others?
* To what extent do you hunger and thirst for righteousness?       
* Do you deserve God’s mercy judging from how you treat others?
* How pure is your heart?
* Do people call you a child of God?
* Are you experiencing some form of persecution because of your faith?
* How meek are you?
* Are you hiding your light or are you shining it?
* How wise are you?
* What extent are you willing to go in order to become wise?
* NOTE: A life committed to Christ will never fall
* What you do about the Word of God that you hear reveals whether you are wise or not

* Are you so knowledgeable that you think that there is nothing new to learn?   




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